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Propaganda Tespit | ABD Temsilciler Meclisi’ne “Türkiye’yi Kıbrıs’ı Yasadışı İşgali Nedeniyle Kınama” Başlıklı Karar Tasarısı Sunuldu

Orijinal Haber Metni RES. 17 Condemning Turkey for its illegal occupation of Cyprus and encouraging President Trump to make the resolution of the Cyprus problem a top foreign policy priority. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 7, 2025 Ms. Malliotakis (for herself, Mr. Bilirakis, Mr. Pappas, and Ms. Titus) submitted the following resolution; which was […]

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Propaganda Tespit | Dürziler, Kürtler ve Türkiye: Suriye, Ankara İçin Nasıl Bir Kabusa Dönüşebilir?

Orijinal Haber Metni Σάββας Καλεντερίδης … Ειδικά αν η Ελλάδα αποφασίσει επιτέλους να κάνει διάβημα στην Τουρκία για την άσκηση αλλά και για το δόγμα της «Γαλάζιας Πατρίδας» και να καταγγείλει στο ΝΑΤΟ και την Ε.Ε. την απαράδεκτη επιθετική συμπεριφορά της Τουρκίας κατά της Ελλάδας και της Κύπρου. … Μέχρι τώρα το πιο δυσεπίλυτο πρόβλημα […]

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Propaganda Tespit | Aktivist Greta Thunberg’in “Kürdistan” Propagandası

Orijinal Haber Metni Recently I have been travelling through northern Kurdistan, and have met with Kurdish people from all different kinds of backgrounds. They told countless stories of the current systematic oppression and repression they face – especially from the Turkish state –, as well as a history full of massacres. Destruction and exploitation of […]

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Propaganda Tespit | Malkidis: İşgalci Türkiye’den Taleplerimiz

Orijinal Haber Metni Ένας από τους σημαντικότερους διανοούμενους της μεταπολιτευτικής περιόδου και ξεχωριστός Έλληνας, ο αείμνηστος Μιχάλης Χαραλαμπίδης, λίγες μέρες πριν φύγει από αυτή τη ζωή, έγραφε τα εξής: «οι Έλληνες μιλούν για το Νέο Ανατολικό ζήτημα, για τη λύση του Τουρκικού προβλήματος και για τον πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο της Ελλάδας. Οι δούλοι, οι ηλίθιοι,  μιλούν […]

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Propaganda Tespit | Almanya’da Demokratik Toplum Merkezi’ne Düzenlenen Baskın

Orijinal Haber Metni Hüseyin Yılmaz: Raids of Nav Berlin are an extension of Turkish oppressive policies Nav Berlin co-chair Hüseyin Yılmaz was taken into custody and released following the raid on the Democratic Society Center in Berlin. He said that the raids were an extension of Turkish oppressive policies. The Democratic Society Center in Berlin […]

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Propaganda Tespit | Yunan Şarkıcının Konser İptali Hakkında

Orijinal Haber Metni Greek performer said entertainment only event was given political characteristics without her consent; organizers fume, claim Vandi didn’t want flags, posters on stage. The cancellation of a concert by well-known Greek performer Despina Vandi in Cesme, near the major coastal city of Izmir in western Turkey, generated a firestorm of reactions on […]

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Propaganda Tespit | Türkiye’nin UAD’deki İsrail Davasına Taraf Olma Çabası Üzerine

Orijinal Haber Metni Turkey’s recent effort to join South Africa’s genocide case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over Israel’s conduct in the Gaza Strip highlights a double standard that is all too common when it comes to the politics of genocide. The Turkish state has little credibility being an arbiter of what constitutes […]

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